A MASSIVE HAWK stands watch on top of a fence post. Her head swivels as we pass. The dog stops to pee. The hawk remains – unflinchingly close. In a dream last night, a hawk picked her way through a thatch wall just above where I slept. I had forgotten it until now.
Daily Fifty-Two: Feb. 2, 2023
My morning walk is interrupted by a series of questions. Is the width between the tines of the fork on a front loader garbage truck standardized? If so, how did this come to be? Was there a conference of haulers? Men in suits in Indianapolis arguing cost efficiencies, competition, collaborations, and consolidations?
Three Scenes in Paris
Last night I dreamt I was in Paris. I’ve never been to Paris, so the dream was full of what I imagine Paris to be and what I’ve seen on TV. I remember discussing pastries with a woman I met through a mutual acquaintance – a man who looked like a heavier version of the…
Daily Fifty-Two: Feb. 1, 2023
The sky wants nothing to do with capitalism. The trees do not start their day in worry. The ground, frozen and obstinate, hardens itself. It strikes against forces that insist on pliability and compliance. Paint brushes stand tall in the coffee mug saying put us to use, but not for anything useful.
Daily Fifty-Two: Jan. 31, 2023
A crow in a nearby pine sounds her crow alarm. Her one note metronome stretches through thin air and across empty yards. The school bus flashes yellow, then red. Elementary school children grip the silver rail and climb steps too big for tiny legs. The door folds shut. The crow has stopped.
Daily Fifty-Two: Jan. 30, 2023
Roots tangle. Roots tangle in a glass vase. Roots tangle in a glass vase full of water. Sprouting from cut stems, roots tangle and brown in a glass vase full of water. Sprouting from cut stems beneath the Philodendron, roots tangle and brown in a glass vase full of water. Roots tangle.
Daily Fifty-Two: Jan. 29, 2023
Friends say hi with a quick “go birds.” Pass, run, score, kick, and sack. They won and my feed is green. Pics from Broad Street show it’s packed. I hear the poles are greased. Big game in two weeks, I’m sure I’ll watch. Next time, I’ll write with more than one syllable.
They Say It’s the Journey
No sooner did I finish writing my “Love Letter to Memphis,” I hopped in the shower and was immediately consumed by two or three thoughts: “home is always somewhere else,” “home is where other people are / home is with other people,” and “I can fall in love almost anywhere / with any place.” I…
Daily Fifty-Two: Jan. 28, 2023
Ice melts in the silver spun afternoon of a warming day. The dog rests his chin on the sofa. He looks out the window like a child with a broken leg watching her friends shriek and play run-around games in early spring. It’s January and this won’t last. So few things do.
A Love Letter to Memphis
For a year, I lived in Memphis, Tennessee. I moved there to be alone. I moved there to recover from a failed engagement. I moved there for the music and the culture and to feel something akin to roots. I moved there for a bit of self-discovery, re-calibration, and a fresh start. I had landed…
More of the Same
What’s the point? More specifically (but not terribly specific), what’s the point of this? All of it. Last night, my friend and I were talking about whether poetry could/should evoke emotion, like actually make the reader feel an emotion… or does it just approximate those feelings in the reader? I’m sure it happens, but I…
Daily Fifty-Two: Jan. 27, 2023
Full of giddy up and gallop, the dog noses through last night’s dusting of snow. The road beneath is slick. His sudden pull and my lack of purchase send my thoughts sliding towards catastrophe or at least cartoonish visions of minor embarrassments and slapstick calamities. A cautious penguin walks a playful horse.