I can remember eating Pez from my Spiderman dispenser and pretending they gave me super strength the way spinach made Popeye strong. Sometimes I’d roll up my sleeves and flex the way a four-year-old flexes as if to say “look at me, I have muscles.” I’m pretty sure the Pez were also anti poison pills,…
Category: Relationships
Thoughts and Readings on Being in a Healthy Relationship
Que Sera Sera
I can be a nag. Or maybe nudge is the better word, or maybe whiner. I’ve been very lightly chastising myself for not doing the things I want to do or should do or need to do…. I’ve been putting off groceries and laundry (both are done now); I haven’t written a poem in forever;…
Living with Grace
With only one cup of coffee in me and wanting to get outside before the heat set in, I re-read yesterday’s post and a few others, skipped reading the news, and was out of the apartment before 7:30am. It was an intense walk. I was thinking about a lot of different things, seemingly disjointed things….
Freedom Rock
Apologies up front – this post has nothing to do with the musical box set or the amazingly cheesy commercial for the box set… “turn it up, man.” I honestly have no idea where my day went today. I spent a lot of time this morning reading through old posts, thinking about having to move,…
Is it FOMO or Something Deeper?
Tonight, I was scrolling through Facebook, killing time as usual, when I came across a post from a friend who is out hiking in the Pacific Northwest. We’re not close friends, more like acquaintances from BBQs. Every year she goes on a hike or adventure like this. She goes alone. Her husband stays back with…
Wasps, I pretty much hate ’em. I’m not talking about the modern day Karen (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) who would like to speak to a manager, but am talking about those little assholes with wings. Super sleek, no waist, a head and fat-ass stinger. They have none of the fuzziness of bees. They’re not cute and…
Overwhelmed and Frustrated
I can’t count the number of times I paced my apartment yesterday wanting to write, or create, or move, or build, or do just about anything other than pace around the apartment trying to figure out where to start. I wanted to grill in the backyard. I wanted to hang at a bar and have…
After hitting publish this morning on a post that took me a lot longer to pull together than I expected, I had some lunch, did some editing clean up, and went out to the balcony with my afternoon cup of coffee and the book of essays I’m reading. Naturally, picking up in the last three…
Is there such a thing as irreconcilable differences? Is there anything that patience and understanding can’t wait out or help? I’m sure I’ve offered up some sort of an answer to those questions over the course of however many posts there have been. Before I get to that, a brief recap…. I woke up tired…
Writing that the sky was marbled seemed too easy (and honestly I’m not sure it qualified as marbled). I found myself searching for something better. I called it an army of animals shrouded in shapes (unanimal like) marching towards the sunrise. I’m not sure how accurate that description is. For one thing, the sun is…
On April 5, 2000, I wrote my first and only Amazon review. 5 stars. Having read most of Dunn’s poetry, and in particular, having read this book several times, I find that Dunn is a writer I can always come back to. His style is unique, and always gets to the crux of what seems…
First, please pay attention to the comma in the titles. Once again I wrote up a post and then shelved it. This time, I never got around to hitting submit. I ran out of steam, and no longer wanted to make the point I had set out to make. It was an attempt to understand…