I’ve been hesitant to start a blog. To publicly navel gaze. To put my stuff out in to the interwebs where it can be found… where it might never disappear. I have no intended audience. I have no theme, no real purpose. If the idea is to simply practice writing everyday, why publish it, and…
Tonight I went to an old haunt for dinner. Along the river just across the bridge in New Jersey, there’s a small Italian restaurant, Revere. It’s tucked in next to an auto repair shop and just around the corner from some condos where an ex-girlfriend used to live. It was the girlfriend who turned me…
Right off the bat, I think I’ve messed up. I should have called it transitions pt. 1, except it’s not a series, this certainly isn’t the first…. I start a new job in a little over a month. I gave notice at my current job last week. It feels like it will be a long…