For me, it’s hard not to acknowledge today – this date. This time last year, it was a Thursday, my fiancee, B, had gone in to the city to run some errands and go to a counseling session. It was sunny, the trees were starting to bloom. When she came home, things felt different and…
This morning as I opened the sliding glass door to the balcony so I could sit and have coffee and read a few poems, the smell of the humidity in the air reminded me of early mornings at the beach before the heat grew oppressive under the high sun. I had pulled out my volume…
It will come as no surprise that I’m strangely attracted to the complicated. Complicated feelings, thoughts, lives, phrases. And maybe complicated isn’t quite the right word. Anything that seems to acknowledge the full range of emotions, things that can be funny and sad at the same time. I like Vonnegut because of his dark sense…
Since it’s poetry month, I’m sharing one that a friend shared on Facebook. Not only does it seem appropriate for these times, but it resonates with my (and many people’s) dualistic/multiplicity approach to life – in order to understand x, we need to contemplate or feel y. Not sure how the poem will render on…
When all the world seems in flux,and the river is high and floodedpast the shores of Arkansas,calm sunset on the Mississippi They say it’s the cruelest month… The showers bring the flowers. Typically, it’s tax month. It begins with April fool’s day (today). It’s National Poetry Month. It’s the month of my mom’s birthday. It’s…
Uggghhhh…. when I’m up late writing a post like the one I wrote last night – part confessional, part longing, part missive, part train wreck – I wake up almost feeling groggy and hung over from the experience. Like who did I drunk dial last night and what did I say…? I usually spend the…
I have no idea where today went. It picked up where I left off last night (and didn’t write about) – which was thinking about my former job. Yesterday I got word that my former boss is leaving. It was sent out in a mass email by the board chair. To me, it reads as…
Just after finishing my last post, and editing a few others (I always find typos and ways to say things better), I went on to Facebook to…. well, do whatever it is we do on Facebook. There are a few people on Facebook that I consider to be kindred spirits. We may not talk much…
Last night I got in to bed early and started to read some poems by Mark Strand. Earlier I had read a bit more of the novel I’m reading – it’s really good. The section I had finished was about a funeral and loss. It made me wish that my ex-fiancee, B, and I had…
Sometimes I wonder if the body can tell time and recognize memory. I haven’t slept well for the past few days. Maybe it’s the long walks I’ve been taking. Maybe it’s the change in temperature. Maybe my body is remembering this time last year. I can remember standing under the neighbor’s tree in the front…
Disruptive. Disruptions? Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band… As I try to sort and sift, to make sense of a world gone a little crazy, my most stabilizing force is a year in the mist and everyone else clamors me me me. Perhaps this is how Ginsburg felt… “I saw the best minds of my…