I don’t think I wanna to be enlightened. I admit, it’s hard to “think” my way through a statement like that. And I’m not talking in the “ignorance is bliss” kind of way but in the I think I might reject the idea of enlightenment kind of way. It’s the classic circular argument. Accepting everything…
Skip This Post
I shouldn’t feel pressed for time. Yet, I do. I sometimes wonder how I’m ever going to handle the 9-5 world again. For days, I’ve lamented how little reading and writing I’ve done. For days, I’ve felt like I don’t have anything to write about. Of course, I here a little joker off in the…
Nothing to See Here
Today required more time management than most of my COVID-19 days – which isn’t saying much. When you’re unemployed and limited in your social engagements, it’s easy to lack urgency on most days. Laundry can always be done tomorrow, walks can be taken or skipped, books can be read or not. I have tried to…
Out of Sorts
Nick the cat has an upset stomach. He’s puked twice today – the first time very shortly after he ate, the second time after I gave him a bit more food (figuring he had emptied his stomach out earlier). He seems a little lethargic, but then again he’s a cat and I’m not sure I…
The Power of Pez
I can remember eating Pez from my Spiderman dispenser and pretending they gave me super strength the way spinach made Popeye strong. Sometimes I’d roll up my sleeves and flex the way a four-year-old flexes as if to say “look at me, I have muscles.” I’m pretty sure the Pez were also anti poison pills,…
I’m not sure I have much to say tonight. I’ve changed up my schedule from writing in the morning day to writing at night. I’m not sure I’ll keep this schedule, it just seems to be the way things have worked. The day was like most, walks and messing around with web design and reading…
Some Things Worth Holding On To
Today was a mild embarrassment of a day. By that I mean I have very little to show for my efforts. The day fell in to three distinct areas of focus: freelance work, exercise, evening contemplation. If there was a constant, it was Nick the cat’s need for attention and desire for food. Every time…
Que Sera Sera
I can be a nag. Or maybe nudge is the better word, or maybe whiner. I’ve been very lightly chastising myself for not doing the things I want to do or should do or need to do…. I’ve been putting off groceries and laundry (both are done now); I haven’t written a poem in forever;…
A Little Bit of Cognizance
If you’ve ever tried to pay attention to your thinking, I mean really pay attention, you’ve probably noticed what a noisy place your headspace can be. At times, it might resemble a crowded cafe. You find yourself tuning in and out of different conversations – except you’re a part (and sometimes the sole participant) in…
Rough Cut
Soooo…. it turns out that maybe I was just hangry when I was feeling like a cranky pants. Actually I just needed to shift gears. Cooking up some dinner and working on the video project were enough to distract me. I put together a rough draft of the video. I’ve about reached the limitations of…
Mr. Cranky Pants
I’m unemployed, single, and it’s uncomfortably hot out. While my morning started off fine enough with a long walk and stop at the farmers’ market, I’ve been cranky for the past few hours. I don’t know if it would be better or worse to have a partner in these moments. On the one hand, they…
From Behind the Camera
This morning I popped my earbuds in and walked out the door – much like I do every other morning. I took a few steps down the hall and something about the way the song I was listening to started off – the way the notes hit me – combined with the visual of the…