I recently watched a TikTok video that one of my Facebook friends had shared. I trust this person because they share good poems and feel-good stories as well as the occasional lefty power-to-the-people sort of stuff. The TikTok video contained snippets from a documentary Educating Yorkshire mixed together with viewer reactions to the documentary. The…
Shaking a Fist at the Billionaire Technocrat Class
I worry about American democracy. I worry about our continuing slide towards greater and greater inequality, oligarchy, plutocracy, and fascism. I worry about the climate crisis. I worry about my personal prospects for things like a reasonable retirement and long-term financial stability – or housing or healthcare, or any host of issues that are plaguing…
May 4th Ramblings
I wrote a note on my phone at 3:30 am. I initially woke up at around 2am (a touch of heartburn from a late-for-me dinner of tacos with more jalapenos than I needed and a slice of frozen pizza). I clearly live a very unsupervised life. When I woke at 2, the sound of the…
Ain’t What It Used to Be
I guess I was expecting more. More people, more coverage, a more coherent message. Yesterday, I walked downtown to check out one of the protests. In addition to it being May Day, yesterday was International Workers’ Day. While the pre-protest coverage in the local news indicated that many of the marches would be focused on…
Running Out of Space
The email from Google tells me that I’m almost out of storage. When I run out of storage, I won’t be able to receive new emails. The quick solution to this problem, the solution I’ll employ, is to delete some videos (mostly concerts that I’ve gone to). I have them saved elsewhere – at least…
I can recall an exchange, with whom I’m not quite sure, maybe a date or an acquaintance who also happened to be a therapist, in which I said, “sometimes, I worry that I’m a narcissist.” Her response (I’m pretty sure it was a woman and probably a date) was, “narcissists don’t worry about being narcissists,…
Seeking? But Kinda Not Really
“Just because I love it, doesn’t mean it’s going to work.” This was the reminder I wrote for myself one Saturday as I walked around a beer fest on a gorgeous sunlit day. The expansive lawn where the festival took place had a sweeping view of the Bay. Everyone seemed happy. Sunshine, beautiful views, live…
Tuesday Malaise, Thicker than Mayonnaise
Spinning and ruminating. Despite a string of great days, that’s what I’ve been doing with some of my free time. I’ve also gone out and explored the city and gone on walks and had job interviews. I went to a beer festival on Saturday. I have three interviews this week. And this past Sunday night,…
It’s been a while since I’ve posted any clippings…. I’ve been trying to work them in to my writing. I suppose hearing people share some of the poems they liked has sent me down a rabbit hole of reading (short things – I still don’t have the attention span for anything long). Now I am…
Woo Woo
(Originally written 9/10/2022 8:29 am) A year and a half ago (or so) I adopted a pit bull mix. He’s handsome and strong and a royal pain in the ass. Shortly after adopting him, I noticed some behavioral issues. He liked me, but didn’t trust me. He’d growl and snarl. He’d guard his toys and…
Adonis, Jolene, and Jealousy
Walking home from the grocery store I passed a man. He was tall, had wavy dark hair, fit, well put together, and attractive. He stood on the grass by the sidewalk having a conversation on his phone. He spoke with confidence. I kinda hated this man. I mean not really, but I absolutely felt a…
Flirting with Clown Hats On
I’m bad at flirting. Or maybe I’m good at it, I honestly don’t know. At best, my approach seems to be one in which I try to be funny for my own sake and if the other person likes what I said or wrote, cool. The funny section of my dating profile is the response…