I have a love / hate relationship with social media. I think a lot of people do. It’s a thing I love to hate and hate to love. I love that I find out about things: concerts, events, and what’s going on in the lives of friends and family. I love that I get three…
Snow Day
Growing up, and living most of my life, in eastern Pennsylvania just outside of Philadelphia, I am no stranger to the words snow day. As a kid, those words were magical and freeing. An unexpected day off. A mini holiday. I can remember listening to the radio as they called the school closing numbers, or…
Haul Out the Holly
I knew I consolidated (purged, donated, got rid of) some of my holiday decorations before I moved to Memphis. It wasn’t until the tree was up and I had searched through all of my unpacked possessions (three or four times) that I realized how much I had consolidated. I no longer had a star or…
Silences So Deep
There are silences so deepyou can hearthe journeys of the soul,enormous footstepsdownward in a freezing earth. John Luther Adams A couple of days ago NPR ran a short portrait of composer John Luther Adams. I knew nothing about Adams. Aside from what they reported, most of which I’ve already forgotten, I still know nothing about…
…and to my wife, Beth. She knows how much. That’s the last line in the acknowledgments at the beginning of a book of poems I was about to read. In the acknowledgments, a few well-known poets are mentioned, and Joe Salerno is called irreplaceable, but Beth… well, she knows how much. Stephen Dunn wrote, “The…
I Should Get Organized
The woman held my driver’s license firmly in her right hand and hole punched it with her left. When she handed it back I realized the word “void” had been hole punched in it. I was immediately torn between being fascinated by the cool hole punch and comically bummed about the sad commentary on my…
Warming Up
In an attempt to get back in to the habit of writing, if not everyday at least a few times a week, I’ve been rereading a number of old blog posts and some of the poems and vignettes I’ve written. I always feel a little odd turning to my own writing for inspiration. To be…
A man in a long coat stands in a field on a narrow path surrounded by tall grasses yellowing in the late autumn sun. His shadow stretches and slants in front of him bending upward at the path’s edge. The sky is a shade of blue so rich and thick that it seems mismatched for…
Not Hiking…
The morning sunlight glistens in the frost on the roof of the house next door. Two planes race across the sky, one trailing the other, both leaving short white streaks in their wake. It’s barely 9am and already the day has been full of modest desires, lots of “I shoulds,” and anticipating the mild disappointments…
Music & Technology
I like music. That’s not the boldest statement to make, but it’s a true one. I don’t know much about music or the music industry which makes it the perfect subject to opine about. If you’ve read a significant portion of this blog, or if you know me personally, or if you just have a…
Thanksgiving 2020
Like so many things in 2020, Thanksgiving this year was different. Last Thanksgiving was the first one I spent away from my family. Friends of my friend Stacy were kind enough to invite me over to a friendsgiving type of event. It was fun and warm and friendly – all the things we expect out…