It’s cold and damp with a thick ceiling of gray. Lost in thought on a morning walk, the weather matches my brain. I can’t decide between past tense or future tense. The present only comes to me in revisions – a statement about writing and life. The ground has been soft for days.
With More Enthusiasm than Skill
Twice I sat down to write about free speech, Twitter, hypocrisy, and whether or not a business should be forced to serve people when doing so would violate their religious or ethical beliefs (current supreme court case). I didn’t get very far in either attempt – a few paragraphs here and there about the state…
Daily Fifty-Two: Dec. 11, 2022
A light snow falls. Small flakes trickle quick and steady. The snow sticks to the windshields of the cars. Soon it will stick everywhere. Soon it will slick everywhere. Inside, the coffee is still hot. The Christmas cactus continues its pink and white blooms exotic and tropical like orchids in Hawaiian leis.
Daily Fifty-Two: Dec. 10, 2022
The computer screen reflects the window scene behind me – a canvass painted solid blue edge to edge. A leafless tree with spindly branches fills the frame. The top of a pine pokes up checking to see if the coast is clear. For a moment, a squirrel swishes and twitches her bushy tail.
Daily Fifty-Two: Dec. 9, 2022
Oaks and maples stretch skyward – always reaching. Would it be wrong to call them aspirational? Are they bold and audacious in the way they claim their space? I admire softer things – willows and their modesty. They grow but droop – turning downward as if to reflect on that place from which they came.
Learning to Tie My Shoes
I have days, today being one of them, when I feel like my life’s failures and frustrations are mostly the result of poor organizational skills and a piss-poor memory. There are times when I feel like I might have missed some class that everyone took – maybe in the fourth grade or freshman year of…
Daily Fifty-Two: Dec. 8, 2022
For five minutes, certainly no more than ten, the sky near the horizon burned orange and pink with prismatic spring and hot pool shimmer. I’d like to stretch my writing and my observations beyond the morning sky or the sound of birds. Then again, there are worse ways to start the day.
Daily Fifty-Two: Dec. 7, 2022
Wipe his mouth, wipe his feet, give treat… gentle. His teeth scrape my knuckle. Gentle! He waits and looks, looks and waits. A short command GO! and he bounds up the steps, trit trotting cloppity clop to the water bowl. He slurps. Emerging from the kitchen jowls dripping – he wants to play.
Daily Fifty-Two: Dec. 6, 2022
Cool and gray but not freezing, not frozen. Light rain peppers my hands and head. In a different setting it might be sand gently blowing on a beach. A small bird sings her morning song – an aria: sweeeeeet, swoot. Sweet. Sweet. I think Black-capped Chickadee. Like many things – I remain uncertain.
Poetry and Alchemy
Yesterday I received a rejection email from a journal where I had submitted some poems. Last week, I got a rejection email from a different journal. I had forgotten about the one from a week ago – by which I mean to say I hadn’t even logged the submission on my spreadsheet. I didn’t remember…
Daily Fifty-Two: Dec. 5, 2022
I step and the frozen ground crunches. The puddles in the drive have iced over. Even the light in the morning sky looks cold and icy blue – the air too thin to hold much more than a few wisps of clouds, gauzy apparitions, translucent. A plane slowly chalks a line heading north.
So Much Writing of Little Consequence
Sitting on the sofa with my second cup of coffee for the morning, I began to read poems from a stack of books on the table beside me. The dog lets out the most annoying half whine with each breath. He’s bored, and it’s all I can do to not yell at him to go…