I grew up in the suburbs of Philadelphia. I spent most of my life living outside of Philadelphia. When people would ask where I’m from, it was easier to say Philly because nobody knew where Bensalem or Yardley were. My elementary school would take field trips into the city to the Franklin Institute which had…
Daily Fifty-Two: Feb. 11, 2023
Morning brightness belies the cold. A black cat pauses in the street, and I tighten my grip on the leash. The dog is too busy sniffing pee, grass, and dirt to notice. The cat looks my way – trots on. I miss being able to psspssps my way up to purrs and headbutts.
Daily Fifty-Two: Feb. 10, 2023
The wind. Fifteen, twenty, thirty miles an hour. Still under the speed limit, it hits the neighborhood trash cans like a car. I heard it in the dark. I felt it when I turned the corner where the new curb had been poured and the dog sniffs the tall grass. The wind.
Daily Fifty-Two: Feb. 9, 2023
The small flashlight in my overcoat pocket drumbeat bangs against the phone in my pants. Loose elastic socks slide towards my heels. I begin to think my feet have grown or flattened or widened a few sizes. Above, an unbroken ceiling of gray. How do I know which cloud is number nine?
A Good Week
It’s been a good week. Though it’s only part-way over and there’s still plenty of time for Chekhov’s hammer to wreak havoc: Every happy man should have some one with a little hammer at his door to knock and remind him that there are unhappy people, and that, however happy he may be, life will…
Wherever I Go, There I Am
In the day or two after referencing old results of personality tests which suggest that I’m a mediator of sorts who both seeks and brings calm and balance, my web stats reminded me of posts I’ve written that might suggest otherwise. Posts about my various anxieties (generally needing to be early and my discomfort over…
Daily Fifty-Two: Feb. 8, 2023
Paintbrushes lean to one side of a mug like rockets ready to launch. Three dog toy squeakers huddle together. They might be plotting a heist. A mess of papers, lists, receipts, and mail tablecloth the other end of the dining room table. The poinsettia stripped of most of its leaves still lives.
Daily Fifty-Two: Feb. 7, 2023
Thin clouds gauze a near-full moon. A halo implies more than I want it to imply – hanging there, looking straight ahead. Planes have made an etch-a-sketch of the sky. Early and on the move. Whether we want to or not, we leave a trail. We cast a glow. All of it disappears.
Daily Fifty-Two: Feb. 6, 2023
The hoodie hangs out like the shell of a paper boy. All sneakers and kicks and a lookin’ downward kinda coy. It’s makin’ its collection on the back of a dining chair. Or maybe it’s beggin’ to get out and go somewhere. The car’s in the drive, the hoodie’s stuck in park.
Happy Sunday Y’all
You might as well turn back now. This is one of those list/update posts. As in I’m not sure I have anything to say, but having spent a day in solitude with good music and good books, I feel compelled to say something. Lately, I’ve been listening to a lot of songs from the band…
Daily Fifty-Two: Feb. 5, 2023
My neighbor walks his roof. He bends and picks debris – tosses it to the ground. Up and over the apex he disappears. He returns with white strands of tangled lights. He dangles his legs over the edge. His unsure foot feels for the top rung of a ladder that doesn’t quite reach.
Daily Fifty-Two: Feb. 4, 2023
The planet is 4.54 billion years old. 4.54 billion years of history have been building to this. This morning, this day, this sun-kissed frosty blade of grass, and this bead of water rolling down the drain of the kitchen sink. An entrance billions of years waiting behind a curtain, stage left. Hello.