Daylight slides out of view. Color drains from the silvery peach puddles which grow dark at the edges where tire tracks pressed mud into thick grooves. In this freeze-thaw season, nothing stays the same for very long. Tired, I close my eyes and dream of a large pelican with plates for lips.
Stretching Beyond the Daily Task
Yesterday marked half-a-year of my daily fifty-two project. The on-going goal is to force myself to write a little something every day. The on-going goal is to spend a few minutes, maybe ten or fifteen observing something or thinking about something I’ve observed. Limiting myself to fifty-two words was an arbitrary decision, but is/was intended…
Daily Fifty-Two: Mar. 7, 2023
Snow falls. Standing beneath a cluster of pines near a parking lot I can almost imagine a forest. Birds are leaves in leafless trees. Rabbit tracks zig and zag fresh and haphazardly across snow-covered grass. There is no hurry this morning. The rabbit, the crows, the snowy pines. There is no hurry.
Daily Fifty-Two: Mar. 6, 2023
Tiny birds gossip in the trees. They’re catching up after having not spoken for a while. They have a lot to say. Where the sun hits the patio table, frost melts to a black sheen. Soon the shingled roofs will follow suit. Pink arrowhead buds swell and bloom on the Christmas cactus.
Differences of Opinion
They might not be the worst people in the world, but the couple I met from Florida were among the least generously spirited people I’ve encountered. Our conversation ended when they called me disgusting and a pedophile and stormed out of the bar. Meh. She was an attractive blond who was well put together with…
Daily Fifty-Two: Mar. 5, 2023
The morning sun doesn’t look like a dentist’s waiting room. The clouds don’t have the drill torque sound of tires being rotated. The power lines running to the house don’t feel like laundry pulled warm from the dryer and the muddy drive smells nothing like the coffee aisle in the grocery store.
The Come Down
This is the come down. The moment of crashing back to reality where Saturday night entails listening to some music and Sunday will be spent doing chores and prepping for the week ahead. After a week of urban exploring, meeting new people, eating and drinking, and sitting outside at cafés in the sun, I am…
Daily Fifty-Two: Mar. 4, 2023
Early morning traffic pulses to and from through arteries and veins and across the bridges. Red lights, white lights flow. Mirrored buildings glisten like silver crystals jutting up from the city floor. From the plane, local topography is visible, lowland neighborhoods and the spired center. Large ships sleep in dockyard holding cells.
Daily Fifty-Two: Mar. 3, 2023 (Bay Area)
Sunshine skies drench sidewalks. The man behind the counter at the café smiles hello. He chats up his regulars. I walk. I walk. Already, it’s too warm for my east coast coat. They’re cutting the grass along The Embarcadero and the lines at the bread shops at Ferry Plaza stand six deep.
Daily Fifty-Two: Mar. 2, 2023 (Bay Area)
Large sea lion bodies with velvety skin laze in the sun on the floating pier. Interlopers nudge and jostle for space. Some bark. Others snort. There are other piers. Warm sun hits them just as fine. These spaces seem coveted. The squeezing in, the snuggling up, the coziness of sharing the bed.
Be Here, Now.
I’m still caught off guard by how quickly negative emotions or something approaching nervous dread can creep in, pour themselves a drink, and settle in on the couch with feet up as though they own the place. Minor setbacks in the face of major change, or small realizations that none of this is going to…
Daily Fifty-Two: Mar. 1, 2023 (Bay Area)
We sat outside in wooden chairs at a small, green, metal table. We shared a lemon cake which she cut into nine bite-sized pieces. She sipped a cappuccino with cardamom. I drank a regular coffee. Facing twenty-fourth street, half-way between Mission and Valencia, the sun warmed our faces. The palm trees swayed.