Hey Matt, Matt… h… hey Matt, that was a good walk, huh? Wasn’t it? That was a good walk, huh Matt? Um and um hey Matt, Matt… Matt, remember… remember that one time? Remember, when…? when after our walk, you… you … you gave me all the treats instead of putting them away… ? remember? Huh, Matt? Remember? That was the best. Maybe we can… maybe we can do that again sometime. Yeah, we should do that again sometime… because that was the best… remember?
How about now?
Um… or, or, or we could play tug of war. I’d definitely like to play tug of war. That’s also the best. Huh Matt? You like tug of war too? Huh? Here… here’s the rope, and Matt, Matt, Matt, here’s the rope. Just, just grab the rope. Here. Here’s the rope. We can play tug of war? Or you could give me all the treats. This is the best…
Yes, in my mind, my dog sounds like a cross between Chris Farley and a toddler on a Sunday morning when I’m tired or hungover, scruffy, disheveled, sleepy-eyed and moving slowly through the world.