It’s been a while since I’ve posted any clippings…. I’ve been trying to work them in to my writing. I suppose hearing people share some of the poems they liked has sent me down a rabbit hole of reading (short things – I still don’t have the attention span for anything long).
Now I am quietly waiting for
Frank O’Hara – “Mayakovsky”
the catastrophe of my personality
to seem beautiful again,
and interesting, and modern.
….she who cries
Ada Limon – “Wife”
in the mornings, she who tears a hole
in the earth and cannot stop grieving,
the one who wants to love you, but often
isn’t good at even that, the one who
doesn’t want to be diminished
by how much she wants to be yours.
I know I am hard to understand sometimes
John Straley – “Every Single Day”
particularly when you are standing
at the post office with only a piece of paper
saying “king salmon” on it
but just think of it as a promissary note
and that electric tug, that thrill
pulling your mind into deep water
is how I feel about you every,
single day.