In a patch of sun, the dog whines because he’s bored. We play tug of war. I can see across the backyard through the neighbor’s glass backdoor where an orange cat sleeps in a different patch of sun. The dog doesn’t chase the rope I throw. In the sun, again, he whines.
Category: Writing
Daily Fifty-Two: Feb. 18, 2023
Crouching down, the man in the chicken coop spreads hay over bald spots on the ground. When he’s done, he ties the wire gate shut. Shakes it. The midday sun does its midday sun thing. It shines and shines in crystalline air casting window shaped patches of warmth on living room floors.
Sometimes Expecting the Worst
Oof. On Twitter, I saw a poet say she had time to provide feedback on a few poems (for a fee). She was being recommended by someone else who said that after incorporating the feedback, all of the poems were accepted for publication at various literary journals. Despite being turned off by the prospect of…
Daily Fifty-Two: Feb. 17, 2023
There are sirens and fire trucks and then more sirens and fire trucks. The morning wind blows south and east. It smells of wires burning in the distance. For a minute, the rain falls sideways. I look for smoke, but the open-air gaps between the houses and trees are filled with clouds.
Daily Fifty-Two: Feb. 16, 2023
The morning air smells like rain in the distance. There’s a word for this first rain smell, petrichor. It smells like dust and earth and of things being stirred up. It smells like the anticipation of arrivals. It’s gray and rain is on the way. I can smell it in the air.
Daily Fifty-Two: Feb. 15, 2023
Ba-gack, one two three ba-gack, one two three four ba-gack. A backyard hen chatters and squawks. It’s warmer this morning – still cool. Every so often a truck rumbles by or my stomach gurgles. The coffee, no longer hot, leaves a pasty coating on my tongue. Time passes, the morning has a tempo.
Daily Fifty-Two: Feb. 14, 2023
This two-fifths moon is a valentine waning crescent. Slightly diminished and slowly vanishing, she reminds me that nothing is ever fully seen. Even in her hiding, she remains present. In her soft moon voice, which sounds a little like an ocean tide, she says, “but look at how the sky grows light.”
Daily Fifty-Two: Feb. 13, 2023
The bottom of the small glass tumbler I use for wine shines red and filmy and translucent under the tableside lamplight. Except for a blood-moon half-ring, the glass is empty and it’s getting late. Song lyrics play in my head with the urgency of fire or the rapid read absence of punctuation.
Daily Fifty-Two: Feb. 12, 2023
Walking through the grocery store, I often slow down and smile in the coffee aisle. The scents remind me that shopping can be pleasurable, or at least mildly so. The bakery and flower sections too. And who hasn’t stood in slack-jawed wonder in front of a small, bright pyramid stack of oranges?
Daily Fifty-Two: Feb. 11, 2023
Morning brightness belies the cold. A black cat pauses in the street, and I tighten my grip on the leash. The dog is too busy sniffing pee, grass, and dirt to notice. The cat looks my way – trots on. I miss being able to psspssps my way up to purrs and headbutts.
Daily Fifty-Two: Feb. 10, 2023
The wind. Fifteen, twenty, thirty miles an hour. Still under the speed limit, it hits the neighborhood trash cans like a car. I heard it in the dark. I felt it when I turned the corner where the new curb had been poured and the dog sniffs the tall grass. The wind.
Daily Fifty-Two: Feb. 9, 2023
The small flashlight in my overcoat pocket drumbeat bangs against the phone in my pants. Loose elastic socks slide towards my heels. I begin to think my feet have grown or flattened or widened a few sizes. Above, an unbroken ceiling of gray. How do I know which cloud is number nine?