Over the weekend, I went to a concert. I had a decent seat in the front row of the loge. For the duration of the opening act and much of the main act, there was only one other person in my row – another guy, about my age, and like me, drinking a tall IPA….
Category: Live Shows
Rainy Day Blues
The morning rain slants against the living room window. Seagulls fly above the houses arcing and floating in the blustery wind. Ever since listening to an interview with the philosopher-poet David Whyte, I’ve been turning over in my mind this coin of an idea that we’re all dancing towards our own disappearance. Last night I…
A Little Philly Special Sauce in the Bay
Last night I went to another show. I had been sitting at my bar a week ago when I saw that G Love would be in town. G Love is a blues/rap/rock singer from Philly. His band is called Special Sauce. They’re touring in celebration of their 30th anniversary. Sitting alone at the corner of…
Soundtracks, Beaches, Beats, and Awe
On Saturday, after lazing around the apartment, I walked to the beach (by the Bay, not the ocean) where I read, wrote, and watched people and dogs and kids at play. I came home, had dinner, and then walked to the Mission District to see the band Too Many Zooz. Walking along that beating artery…
Unexpected Bursts of Joy
No sooner did I “complain” about treating my body like a frat house (as opposed to the temple that it should be), I found my way into a Kansas City dive bar where they had live music. I drank a few beers, and ate a meatloaf sandwich. Perhaps this isn’t the leg of the trip…
Why I Moved to Memphis
Nearly every summer for the past 16 or 17 years I spent the third Saturday in July at an all-day blues picnic in Morrisville, PA. The picnic is sponsored by The Bucks County Blues Society, which claims to be the oldest, continuously operating blues society in the country. It’s not a terribly old organization –…
Yesterday was Valentine’s Day. My stepdaughter is visiting for the weekend. We spent the morning walking around Memphis. We walked all the way from my apartment, down along the river to the S. Main area. We walked by where I used to work. We spent some time outside the Civil Rights Museum, quietly looking at…
It’s after midnight. I just got home. I’m eating some peanut butter straight from the jar. I didn’t write yesterday. The tank was empty in the morning… and well, I just got home. This is how I expect my week to play out: 12 – 15 hour days, the last 3 hours of which are…
Last night my friend Tim and I went to see Billy Hector Band at John & Peter’s. Here’s a random picture of Tim from a blues picnic a few years ago…. Not at all related to the show, but Tim’s wife Bryn always likes to point out that I’m Tim’s oldest friend (I’m really not…