This past weekend, I flew home to get my car. After more than a few frustrating setbacks in trying to get out of Memphis (couldn’t get a LYFT/Uber/Taxi, pouring rain, rat ran across my shoe, got to gate just in time, plane had mechanical issues and flight was cancelled, etc.) I got home, packed the…
Category: Life
I’ve missed a few days of writing/posting. I’ve been busy – pursuing fun, eschewing discipline… I’ve been in Memphis for just over 4 days. I’ve seen lots of live music, had way too much beer, missed my ex-fiancee, B, more than I imagined, met lots (ok, maybe a handful) of new people, and learned a…
Already, I’m feeling like a let down when it comes to this writing every (or nearly every) day thing. I have not written for a few days – mostly because I’ve been driving to and settling in Memphis, TN. I officially moved in yesterday (10/17) and have been unpacking and getting my bearings. It was…
Thursday 10/10 was mental health awareness day. I wasn’t aware. That morning I sat at John’s Auto Body waiting for them to look at my car and fix the rear bumper which had been fixed once before (long story – hit by drunk driver). The TV was on at John’s and was tuned to Good…
Again, skipped a few days. Not for lack of content. And now, it’s late. I’m tired. I feel obligated to say something. I don’t think I could do a good job. So write about what I should write about? Friday (yesterday) was my last day at United Way. The cards my co-workers gave me were…
Yesterday I railed against the notion of work. I ended saying if not work, then what. It seems wholly appropriate, perhaps even healthier, to spend time thinking and writing about what makes me happy…. A colleague of mine had asked me how I went about my recent job search. How did I explore my options?…
I’ve had trouble sitting down to write (have skipped some days lately). I’ve also been skipping working out (what is this, post resolution February?) More specifically, I can’t quite focus in on one topic on which I might expound…. all the more reason to write – to practice the discipline of getting to the heart…
I fired up my old computer for the first time in months. I’ve been using my work computer at home most of the time – a practice I usually avoid. Since I’d be turning my work computer in at the end of the week, I needed to test the old laptop to see if it…
Lately, I’ve been feeling bad about a few things. It doesn’t take much. I typically feel like I’m always in someone else’s way and I’m usually looking at what I’ve done wrong in any given situation. Add to this my tendency to try to feel how someone else might be feeling (walk in their shoes)…
HOME (9/29/19)
I think a lot about the word home. I mean a lot. It’s probably my favorite word in the English language. For me, it evokes such a sense of comfort, but also longing. I love songs that tackle the issue of home, poems and quotes too. I think if you’ve ever felt a strong sense…
I didn’t write last night. I feel bad about that. I didn’t have anything to write about, or perhaps the words just weren’t there…. I’m having a similar challenge tonight. Lack of material, lack of focus, and think I might want to go out to listen to music. But I’m trying to establish a habit….
The Phone, the phone, the phone. One thing I would like to cultivate is a better attention span. Years ago when I was in grad school I read a few books (which of course made me an expert) on how technology changes our brain. The evidence is alarming, if not scary. I’ve felt the change….