Despite the profile saying “Still after the dream of long term monogamy” she said she recently broke up with the love of her life and their sex is better than it’s ever been. This was towards the end of our video chat. A chat which she ended in almost business-like fashion by saying something along…
Category: Life
Rain, Couples Therapy, and Growth
It’s a rainy Tuesday morning. The sky is trying to brighten. By noon, it’ll be sunny again. I never thought there could be too much of a good thing – such a glutton am I for good things: eating too many plums until I’m sick, staying out an hour later than I had planned, encores…
A Little Philly Special Sauce in the Bay
Last night I went to another show. I had been sitting at my bar a week ago when I saw that G Love would be in town. G Love is a blues/rap/rock singer from Philly. His band is called Special Sauce. They’re touring in celebration of their 30th anniversary. Sitting alone at the corner of…
Read This First: Caveats and Qualifiers
Hey there!
Welcome to TurtleSloth.
Before you come in, I’m going to ask that you take off your shoes and obey all posted signs and placards – by which I mean check your assumptions at the door, but more importantly…
I’m stymied. I’ve been writing a lot and getting nowhere fast. As of this very moment (not including this blog post), I’ve written close to 4,000 words spread out across three different draft blog posts. One is about the mental anguish I feel over not being disciplined enough (or perhaps capable enough) to sustain long-form…
Civic Duty
I performed one of my civic duties today and voted. Actually, the voting part was the easy part. I was mailed a ballot. I filled it out, sealed it, signed the back of it, and walked to the polling place not more than 50 yards across the street from my apartment. There, I said hello…
Did You Ever Wonder…
Much like the transitions in a werewolf movie, my eyebrows grew bushy and white, the skin on my face and neck sagged a bit more, I put on a few pounds, and my voice cracked in a nasally/whiny way: “Did you ever wonder why we’re constantly paying more for less? There’s an old saying, ‘you…
I Hope It Gets Funnier
Humor has been missing from my life. I don’t see, read, watch, or hear nearly as many funny things as I used to. I blame, at least in part, the digital environment of our current age and my recent living situations. There was a time, back when I owned a house, when I would read…
Not Measuring the Moments, Listening to the Happys
There’s a sign that hangs from a crooked chain link fence at a vacant lot on Van Ness. I pass it on my evening walks. In green letters on a washed-out yellow background, it says “LISTEN TO THE HAPPYS”. I think the sign is wooden or metal, though it looks like cardboard. I assume it’s…
Grabbing the Bull by the Horns, or Whatever
Sometimes, at night, before I go to bed, I’ll feel a sense of restless can-do determination towards how I’ll attack the new day (or this old but new life). This usually happens when I’m scrolling through Twitter where I’m reading poems, and reading about writing and magazine acceptances and submissions. This usually happens when I’ve…
Into the Mystery
I tend to think of myself as a mindful skeptic. The universe is big. There are a lot of things we can’t explain. Human knowledge feels pretty small and finite. It’s why I’m an agnostic and not an atheist. I can’t stomach that type of certainty. As a skeptic, I lean towards science and reason…
F*ckboys, Liars, and MANipulators: A Valentine’s Day Post
Valentine’s Day – that saccharine mid-February reminder to take one day out of the year to splurge on chocolates, a card, some roses, and a candle-lit dinner… Ever since the second grade when that pony-tailed witch with dimples, Jenny Butterworth, gave a Valentine’s Day card to Scott Truesdale and not me (Garfield making lusty googly…