My name is Matt Uhler. This is a picture of me —>
I’ve been a lot of different things to a lot of different people: pizza maker, kennel staff, camp counselor, retail associate, umpire, editor, teacher, student, nonprofit professional, volunteer, husband (that last comma was an important one), dad, son, brother, fiance, friend, traveler, writer, adventurer, observer, etc. etc. etc. I try to be kind and true of heart in everything I do.
This site, or blog, is my barbaric yawp and my refined whimper… it is, among other things, an exploration of my multitudes. It may have poems, stolen lines from other writers, pictures, lyrics, guest writers, typos, ellipses, parenthetical asides, clarifications, lists with oxford commas, and probably a total lack of coherence and vision. The title, TurtleSloth was something I registered years ago – trying to be funny and maybe a little cute, while wanting (in the worst way) for everything to slow down a bit. In the age of twitter and Facebook, I wanted to think about longer form writing. I wanted to recapture my dwindling attention span. I wanted a space to practice. I’m not sure I have anything worth saying…. and that’s the challenge of writing, art, creation. Show me new. Touch my sensibilities in a way that feels familiar, in a way that allows me to nod and say, yeah, I know what that feels like. Make sense of my world. Speak to my experience. Speak to my soul. Help me to see who I’ve been… who I can be. These are the demands. These are the connections we seek. This is the way we love.
I hope I inspire. I hope I get better at this. I hope I overcome my fear of putting thoughts out in to the world. I hope I make friends. I hope I find home.
Disclaimer: This is some of my story, which is, necessarily flawed. These thoughts are my own. They do not represent the opinions or views of my employer or anyone else I can think of. I steal liberally from the internet – I’m happy to take things down if necessary. God I hope this site don’t come back to bite me in the ass someday…. For what it’s worth, there’s a privacy policy located here. I should probably also say something about cookies (other than they’re delicious) – this site uses them.
Thanks for visiting. I hope you stay a while. I hope you come back. Reach out if you’re so inclined. matt.uhler at gmail