I think a lot about the word home. I mean a lot. It’s probably my favorite word in the English language. For me, it evokes such a sense of comfort, but also longing. I love songs that tackle the issue of home, poems and quotes too. I think if you’ve ever felt a strong sense of home, you have a wonderful appreciation for it. If you’ve ever lost your way, you probably have an even greater appreciation for it.
Of course home can take a number of different forms. There’s our childhood home and memories. Colored in sepia, frolicking, outdoors, the shrill screams of neighborhood kids, or maybe grandma’s cookies. Sometimes it’s the holidays that bring us home….
I’m quickly losing my train of thought. The home I think of most is the one I lost most recently. A home with my partner where everything felt safe and fun and comfortable. I’m not ready to expound on this. I just know there are days where I’m crushed by what is gone and how lost I feel. Tonight as I reached out to a friend to see if we could get together before I leave for Memphis, I started to feel the waves crash down. I don’t like talking about leaving – not when it’s the sad type of leaving. I remember traveling for job interviews a few months back. Each trip brought the possibility of leaving. Each trip felt like a mini death as I prepared to possibly never come back on a long term basis.
to be continued…. for now here’s a mini playlist for home: